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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited, TSMC
Job Category
IC Design Technology
Job Type
Engineer / Admin
Employment Type
Aug 03, 2023
Job Responsibilities
Front-end to back-end large scale digital circuit design for system-on-chips and 3DICs, responsible for designing with the state-of-the-art process technologies and developing corresponding CAD flows that explores cutting edge design methodologies and latest EDA tools, either for internal first-in-the-industry testchips or leading customer’s products.
Job Qualifications

1. Master or PhD in Electrical Engineering / Computer Science / Operational Research / Mathematics
2. Languages: English proficiency is a must

Key Experience:

1.Fresh graduate: good grades in coursework and/or projects on digital circuit designs and programming; at least 1 IEEE / ACM publication; experience in ML application is a plus
2. Experienced: at least 3 years’ experience in digital design or digital VLSI design CAD; successful customer support experience is a plus
3. Personal Attributes: 
    (1) Interested in pursuing a career in VLSI design, flexible to support urgent business travel and/or 
         urgent customer requests
    (2) Good team player who enjoys collaboration and exploration process, open to presenting 
         and experimenting his/her ideas, and willing to share his contribution to the cause of the team’s 
         success in achieving an overall goal