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發揮所才、接力未來,台積電 R&D 是高手雲集的匯聚之地,
Integration從定義技術節點的目標開始,研發可量產的製程,涉及多個領域的專業知識和專案管理概念。過程中需要大量的跨部門合作,包括整合新技術節點的基本模組,材料選擇,元件結構,測試軟體的建立和發展對應的電性模型,通過多年來累積的學習曲線來改進效能、良率和可靠性,同時在既定時間內最佳化晶片的功耗/性能/面積/成本,完成領先業界的先進製程開發 (PPACt)。
RD Integration starts with the definitions, including transistor architecture and design building blocks, of a new technology node. Then, a manufacturable process flow is developed for evaluations and further improvements. The tasks may involve multidiscipline technical knowledge bases and project management skills. The job will require a lot of collaborations, so frequent communication should be expected. Test structure are designed in order to evaluate the manufacturing processes. Test vehicles will be built, and real chips will be validated through yield, performance, and reliability learning cycles. The goal is to deliver an optimized semiconductor technology that will meet the required chip performance, power, area-per-function, costs, and time-to-market (PPACt) for our customers.