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Integration從定義技術節點的目標開始,研發可量產的製程,涉及多個領域的專業知識和專案管理概念。過程中需要大量的跨部門合作,包括整合新技術節點的基本模組,材料選擇,元件結構,測試軟體的建立和發展對應的電性模型,通過多年來累積的學習曲線來改進效能、良率和可靠性,同時在既定時間內最佳化晶片的功耗/性能/面積/成本,完成領先業界的先進製程開發 (PPACt)。

RD Integration starts with the definitions, including transistor architecture and design building blocks, of a new technology node. Then, a manufacturable process flow is developed for evaluations and further improvements. The tasks may involve multidiscipline technical knowledge bases and project management skills. The job will require a lot of collaborations, so frequent communication should be expected. Test structure are designed in order to evaluate the manufacturing processes. Test vehicles will be built, and real chips will be validated through yield, performance, and reliability learning cycles. The goal is to deliver an optimized semiconductor technology that will meet the required chip performance, power, area-per-function, costs, and time-to-market (PPACt) for our customers.

1. 對開發世界領先的技術充滿熱情。
2. 工程或科學領域的碩士(含)以上學位,例如材料科學工程、電機工程、化學工程、機械工程、物理、化學或光學相關。
3. 對IC製程設備、流程整合、化學及物理具有扎實的技術底蘊。
4. 良好和開放的溝通技巧,能夠在跨組織團隊中工作,包括內部和外部合作夥伴。
5. 流利英語能力。
6. 具AI及程式設計相關技能者為優先考量。
7. 對統計製程管制(SPC)和/或實驗設計(DOE)原則有深入瞭解。具備機器學習或人工智慧相關知識者為加分優勢。
8. 能夠靈活地應變優先事項與工作職責,以協助組織單位需求。
9. 積極參與製程或設備工作並具有強烈的責任感。
10. 願意頻繁地進入Fab。
11. 需要具備基於基礎模型(而非經驗模型)的技術端問題解決和分析能力。
12. 需要具備優秀的書寫和口語溝通能力。

1. Passionate about the development of world-leading technologies.
2. Master's degree or above in an engineering or scientific field such as Materials Science Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Chemistry or Optics.
3. Solid technical understanding of IC processing equipment, integrated flow, chemistry, and physics.
4. Exhibit good and open communication skills and be able to work within cross-functional teams, including internal and external partners.
5. Fluent in English.
6. Skills in AI and programming are preferred.
7. Strong knowledge of Statistical Process Control (SPC) and/or Design of Experiments (DOE) principles. Having knowledge of machine learning or artificial intelligence is an added advantage.
8. Flexibility in changing priorities and responsibilities to support business needs.
9. Hands-on participation on process or hardware and a strong sense of ownership.
10. Willing to make frequent fab presence.
11. Strong technical problem-solving and analytical skills, based upon fundamental, rather than empirical models is required.
12. Excellent written and spoken communication skills are required.
