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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited, TSMC
Job Type
Engineer / Admin
Employment Type
Aug 22, 2024
Job Responsibilities
TSMC offers a wide variety of fulfilling careers and opportunities across our organization in many different locations. By joining TSMC, you will work with the best team in the industry and achieve your full potential through a comprehensive and systemized learning program here. We are devoted to achieving technology advancement, pursuing manufacturing excellence, and optimizing customer service.


Welcome to submit your resume to apply for the following job openings of the TSMC 2025 R&D Substitute Service Program (RDSS) and Advanced Offer (AO). You will then be able to:

Get the offer before graduating.
Work with the experts in the industry.
Fulfill yourself on the world stage.

Application End Date: 2024/10/31



▪ 畢業前即拿到聘書
▪ 優秀產業菁英共事
▪ 國際舞台盡情發揮

截止收件日 : 2024/10/31


If you are interested in joining TSMC, don’t miss our "TSMC Campus Recruitment Online Briefing Session", which will include the introduction of our company, industry trend, career opportunities, and life at TSMC. The sessions will be held on Sep. 19, Oct. 4, Oct. 8, and Oct. 16.
Registration link: click here

*TSMC Talent Acquisition Team will send a notification email to eligible applicants who have successfully registered to the event.

Participate in the TSMC Campus Recruitment event and enjoy a coffee. You will also have the opportunity for one-on-one conversations with TSMC alumni.

For 2025 RDSS & AO campus event schedules and registration, please click here.

Even if you are unable to register successfully, you are still welcome to interact with TSMC HR on-site. You can submit your resume and have a chance to win a limited gift 'Embark on your future with TSMC' charger.

You are recommended to apply for 2~4 jobs based on the profession and location requirements of each job title below.


報名連結:請點我 (採線上報名,報名成功後將由台積電招募團隊審核後由系統發送e-mail通知,可重複報名不同場次)




2025 TSMC RDSS & AO Recruitment Job : 

R&D (研究與發展組織專區)

Operations (營運組織專區)

Strategy & Supporting (策略暨支援組織專區)

Job Qualifications
The above position welcomes fresh graduates with master or Ph.D. in 2025, majoring in electrical engineering, electronics, optoelectronics, telecommunications, physics, materials science, chemistry, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, information management, industrial engineering, environmental engineering, management, or related fields.



1. Please prioritize completing the "Graduation School, major, and graduation year" sections when submitting your resume. You can continue to update the content before receiving an interview invitation after the system data has been submitted.

2. Please click “Apply” and provide detailed resume information, including your education level, profession (with keywords that best describe your domain expertise) and autobiography, etc. If you are not a foreigner, please fill out the form (except for the keywords) in Mandarin.

3. Please make sure that the total work counts of your autobiography and keywords (domain description) are within a maximum of 1,000 characters respectively to prevent technical issues.

For more information about the 2025 Advanced Offer (AO) and R&D Substitute Service Program (RDSS), please follow our TSMC Facebook fan page @加入台積 共創奇蹟.


1. 投遞履歷,請務必優先填寫完成:「畢業學校、科系、畢業年份」,系統資料送出後,收到面試邀請前,內文可以持續更新。

2. 務必詳細填寫履歷資料,包含學歷、專業關鍵字與自傳等資訊,若您非外籍人士,除專業關鍵字外,其他欄位請以全中文填寫。

3. 自傳與專業關鍵字欄位有字數限制 (1000字),請確認填寫字數,以免造成網頁無法成功送出。

4. 若履歷欄位型式為下拉式選單,請勿自行輸入資料,以免資料無法正確送出。

更多2025預聘暨研發替代役招募活動,請密切關注台積電FB粉絲專頁 @加入台積 共創奇蹟

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) reflects TSMC’s core values and business philosophy and is essential for our future success. Our commitment to DE&I allows us to create an environment where every employee, regardless of gender, age, disability, religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, political affiliation, or sexual orientation, can bring their unique perspective and experiences to work, enabling us to drive profitability, increase productivity, and unleash innovation. To strive to create a workplace that is equitable and accessible to all employees, we also provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities. We are committed to fostering an inclusive culture where every employee feels valued and empowered to contribute to our mission and provide excellent service to our global customers.